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Mapping out the land

Neils Christensen
Northern News Services

Arctic Bay (Apr 26/04) - Elders and youth in Arctic Bay are working together to keep the traditional names alive in their community.

Nunavut Youth Consulting has finished the latest phase of its mapping project.

This is the third year the youth group has worked on the map. Ron Elliott, chairperson of the group, said every year it grows and there are always more names to add.

"We added about 100 more traditional names to the map," he said. "Every time we go through corrections, the elders remember more names."

The project first started with one map. It only showed the area around the community. This year, it has grown to 12 maps.

"We've mapped most of the Northern tip of Baffin Island. We've gone as far as Pond Inlet, Resolute Bay and all the way down to Iglulik," Elliott said.

This year, the group added another phase to the project. The youth have started recording elders telling stories about the places they are naming.

"We are trying to preserve our culture and heritage. There are a lot of stories and history to Arctic Bay. These places on the map are where our elders used to live," Elliott said.

While the project is keeping traditional knowledge alive, the mapping also has a practical use. Arctic Bay Search and Rescue use the maps and traditional names when they have to find a missing hunter.

The school in Arctic Bay also uses the map for teaching.

Nunavut Youth Consulting has been working with Nunavut Arctic College Community Learning Centre on the project. Elliott said they still have a few more years before the project is finished.

The new updated maps will be printed and distributed in the community next month.