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Burglary not a warm welcome

Jason Unrau
Northern News Services

Inuvik (Mar 26/04) - For Milan Cerny, having his belongings stolen last week was not a good start to his new life in Inuvik.

At the beginning of March, Cerny moved from Calgary to Inuvik to work in the restaurant at the Mackenzie Hotel.

NNSL Photo

Newcomer Milan Cerny outside his apartment building where a thief or thieves made off with some of his belongings. - Jason Unrau/NNSL photo

"I have plans to make this place my home and now my enthusiasm is gone," he said in the aftermath of having his art collection stolen. "I brought these things because they are familiar and make me feel comfortable."

Sculptures and decorative masks from Malaysia, Indonesia, Tibet and Africa were among the items the thief or thieves made off with after breaking into his residence at the Nihjaa Apartments.

Inuvik RCMP are currently investigating the break-in, but so far there are no leads.

Both Cerny and the RCMP suspect the culprit or culprits possessed a key to the apartment as there were no signs of forced entry.

"I was pretty happy until this happened and now I'm just trying to figure out what to do."

Anybody with information about the break-in is asked to contact the RCMP.