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Brad Mapes named Hay River Citizen of the Year

Paul Bickford
Northern News Services

Hay River (Mar 01/04) - Brad Mapes was overwhelmed by the honour but thinks he may be a bit too young to be Hay River's citizen of the year.

Only 40 years old, Mapes says, "I've still got lots of time left."

But that didn't stop the Hay River Chamber of Commerce from naming him the Alfred Mansell Citizen of the Year at its annual banquet Friday night. Mapes said there are many other people deserving of the award.

Despite his reservations, however, he said it is a high honour to be named citizen of the year.

The co-owner of Wesclean Northern Sales Ltd. was recognized for his extraordinary volunteer activities in the community, which include coaching high school basketball and other sports, helping out with reading programs, running a stamp club and working with seniors on a proposed housing project.

His efforts have also been noticed and appreciated in other ways.

A corridor wall leading to his Wesclean office is covered with Valentine's Day cards from students at Camsell School who wanted to thank him for helping out with their reading program.

Mapes said he enjoys being a volunteer reader at Camsell and Princess Alexandra Schools and described the activity as a stress reliever. "I get as much out of it as the kids do."

Mapes has lived in Hay River since he was a child.

"I feel Hay River gave me a lot," he said. "I feel, like every other person, you should put something back into the community."

Mapes said his wife Colette deserves the award as much as he does, since she is also involved in volunteer work and often fills in for him.