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Lupin's last gasp

Stephan Burnett
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Mar 01/04) - As indicated last August, Lupin Mine is reopening based on a revised, two-year plan.

"The mine plan has been accomplished," said Gord McCreary, vice-president of corporate affairs for Kinross Gold Corp., owners of the Lupin Mine. "We're reactivating with initial gold production expected in March."

The plan involves exploiting the ore that had been developed at the time of shut down.

"We're also going to focus on the crown pillars and the shaft pillars," he said. "The expectation is for 80,000 ounces of gold this year and 60,000 next year and that's it. We'll have operations until mid-2005."

With contractors, the total number of people going back to Lupin will be close to 160, said Bruce Bried, operating manager for the mine.

The vast majority of the contractors and re-hires are former Kinross and Echo Bay employees, he said. Most of the positions have been filled, but a few openings remaining.

"Production is up next week and up for a year and a bit," he said.

"Everyone has a positive attitude and we're gung ho to have a safe year."