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Arena user groups have lighting option

Jason Unrau
Northern News Services

Inuvik (Dec 05/03) - On the heels of minor hockey president Tom Williams' concerns about arena lighting levels, Midnight Sun Recreation Complex has posted its policy regarding the matter.

Williams says the amount of light afforded to minor hockey players is not sufficient. Young players receive two banks of lighting for their games and practices while Oldtimers get three banks, which provide more light.

The new sign posted on the rink's plexiglass states that if user groups wish to have additional banks of lights switched on, an additional charge of $20 will be added to their icetime charge.

According to Mayor Peter Clarkson, this policy has been in place since November.

When Williams was asked if minor hockey would fork over the extra $20 per hour for additional lights, he was adamant.

"We haven't paid for (the extra lighting)," he said. "To me it's ridiculous, there should be full lighting for all user groups."