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Aboriginal organizations generous with gifts

Erin Fletcher and Rachel Nokadlak
Northern News Services

Inuvik (Dec 22/03) - Local aboriginal organizations will help Beaufort Delta families stretch their Christmas dollars a little further by offering free trimmings for the feast.

Various Inuvialuit Community Corporations and the Gwich'in Tribal Council spent the past week giving out hundreds of hampers stuffed with everything from turkeys and hams to candy canes and potatoes to their beneficiaries.

In Aklavik, every family will get a turkey, potatoes, stuffing and candy when the last of the food arrives from Inuvik sometime this week.

"They are really happy to receive it," said Faye Gordon, office manager at the Aklavik Community Corporation. "At least it helps when turkeys are so expensive."

In Holman, both the school and the community corporation also extended a generous helping hand.

The students of Helen Kalvak school distributed dozens of hand-painted boxes filled with goodies for local elders. The community corporation also provided turkeys for every family.

On Dec. 16, Paulatuk Community Corporation directors and staff were kept busy delivering hams and turkeys to the 27 beneficiaries over 50 years old.

Tuktoyaktuk put a personal touch on its 261 hampers by adding a Christmas card and calendar for every family.

As they do every year, the Gwich'in Tribal Council is giving out hundreds of hampers to beneficiaries both near and far.

Every hamper has a turkey, a case of mandarin oranges, potatoes, stuffing mix, candy and frozen vegetables.

Tom Williams, chief operating officer for the Gwich'in Tribal Council, said beneficiaries look forward to the hampers every year.

Gwich'in outside the settlement region aren't forgotten, either, though they get a cheque in the mail instead of a hamper.