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Take that!

Judo teaching young people valuable lessons

Neils Christensen
Northern News Services

Iqaluit (Sep 29/03) - The youth in Iqaluit are learning some life lessons at Judo Dojo in Iqaluit.

Judo has started up in Nunavut for its third year, and to kick it all off the organization held a clinic for youth Sept. 20.

About 40 youth attended for their chance to meet the 10-time Canadian judo champion, Nicolas Gills, who was their guest instructor.

Zack Cousins, Lukas Meggs, Daniel Blair and Gabrielle Desforges are excited the season has started again.

Cousins, Blair and Desforges are entering their third year in judo and have obtained their yellow belts.

"It's a lot of fun and you learn a lot," said Desforges.

"You learn about self-respect and self-discipline," added Cousins.

The judo students said the most important thing they have learned has been respect for each other and for their instructors.

"You learn quickly about respecting others," said Josh Blair, also a yellow belt.

The martial arts students spent the day learning new moves and techniques, which they enthusiastically practiced on each other. Sparring in partners, each person tried to pin their opponent to the mat.

"It's challenging," said Josh Blair. "We're always learning something new."

Self defense is only part of the course. The group also has fun playing games like Chinese ball, a version of dodge ball.

Some of the participants have travelled around Nunavut demonstrating their skills.

Last year a group from the Iqaluit dojo travelled to Montreal for a judo competition.

The group agreed the best part about learning martial arts is meeting new friends.

"I've met a lot of new people since I started judo," said Daniel Blair.

After meeting Gill, the Canadian judo champ, the five students have dreams of competing internationally and perhaps even at the Olympic Games.