Cheryl Robinson
Northern News Services
Suddenly the class of over 20 women, with scarves tied to their waists, burst into laughter.
It's a beginner belly dancing class and instructor Ann Lanteighne is showing the ladies the ropes.
While she plans to teach future classes at a slower pace, she said she wanted to give the ladies a taste of all the moves they'll be doing if they stick with the classes. "Not only is it fun, but it's a great way to exercise," said Lanteighne.
And 60-year-old Mildred Wilke said she couldn't agree more.
"I won't get off the couch to exercise unless it's fun," she said.
Wilke said she had a belly dancing instructor give her and some friends a few lessons at her home several years ago and has missed it since. When she heard about Lanteighne's class she said she just had to come.
"It has a component of lusciousness and sexuality and I defy any woman not to want to know the elements of this," she said.
Wilke said she thinks most women are curious about belly dancing and want to learn how to do it.
"We were all drawn to this class for some reason," she said.
Lanteighne said she first started belly dancing almost three years ago because she was pregnant and her midwife said it would help her. She soon became hooked on belly dancing, and when she moved to Yellowknife she placed an ad in the paper to find others who might share her passion through teaching belly dancing classes.
Lanteighne said she was amazed at the number of women who've responded.
For now Lanteighne is teaching classes once a week in the library meeting room.
The classes are free, but she will be asking the ladies to place a $5 donation in a jar that will be donated to a local women's cause.
"Just think if all of us give $5 that's around $100 we can donate a week," she said.
Lanteighne will be offering classes through the city's recreation program this September.