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College talks new campus location

Mayor says he's in support of it

Stephan Burnett
Northern News Services

Cambridge Bay (Aug 04/03) - David Connelly, owner of the Northern Learning Company, also known as Academy of Learning, met with close to two dozen people in Cambridge Bay on Thursday to discuss the possibility of setting up a campus there.

"We met with a broad range of stakeholders: Arctic College, the Government of Nunavut, Kitikmeot Inuit Association, the mayor of Cambridge Bay, Human Resources Development Canada, the Department of Education, the board and trustees of Nunasi Corporation as well as Polar Net and representatives from Iqaluit," said Connelly.

The meeting discussed the courses offered by Academy of Learning and also provided a round table discussion on the possibility of opening a campus in Cambridge Bay.

"Everyone said they were interested and encouraged us to proceed," said Connelly.

"Several organizations suggested we could partner using their space, our course-ware and computers and their space," said Connelly.

The Academy of Learning needs a guarantee of 30 students, 15 per semester, to survive.

The academy resolved to undertake a marketing study to determine whether it would be able to fulfill its enrolment requirements.

Connelly plans to finish the marketing study over the next 60 days and could open a campus within the next six months if the marketing study results prove to be positive.

Keith Peterson, Mayor of Cambridge Bay, said the meeting was positive.

"Education and training are very important to all of us ... we're looking forward to having another choice. This training is tailored and more adaptable -- given jobs and family life. We're hoping interest is out there and the business to support an office in Cambridge Bay, to serve the Kitikmeot and the rest of Nunavut."