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Roughing it

Rae Lakes residents travel to Rae by canoe

Andrew Raven
Northern News Services

Rae Lakes (Aug 18/03) - Nineteen Gameti band members are travelling the hard way to the official signing of the Tlicho Land Claims Agreement in Rae.

They will make the roughly 150 km journey in three traditional canoes, a voyage that will include 43 portages over the course of 10 days.

"We have been travelling on the land for thousands of years and this is a way of preserving our culture and tradition," said Tony Rabesca, who works at the Gameti Band Office.

Motor boats will accompany the canoes during the trip across Faber Lake, which Rabesca says can be hazardous due to strong winds and high waves. But after that the canoes will be on their own.

"It will be long trip," he said.

The vast majority of the canoeists are teenagers, something Rabesca said is encouraging.

"It's good for the youth to live off the land and learn from their elders."

Rabesca said elders will lead the youth in a number of activities during the trip including hunting, storytelling and prayer.

"This will help them get in touch with the land."

Rabesca said the travellers are carrying only the bare essentials including food, clothing and tents.

"It's a long trip and you don't want to carry too much stuff," he said.

Close to fifty other members are making the trip to Rae in motor boats, a voyage that still takes four days.