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Cable guy sues his boss

Mixed verdict on wrongful dismissal suit

Terry Halifax
Northern News Services

Inuvik (Aug 15/03) - A former employee of New North Networks took his ex-boss and his company to court over what he argued was a wrongful dismissal.

Mikle Grdic originally filed his lawsuit against his former employer seeking $10,000, but later dropped that amount to $5,000, to keep the matter in the small claims process in territorial court, rather than pay added court costs in Supreme Court.

Grdic told the court he was travelling the country and living out of his truck when he arrived in Inuvik and went to work at New North.

He was hired as a network technician, but said his duties included everything from climbing poles to selling cell phones.

He complained that the management of the company was "poor" and had caused several employees to quit. He said the heavy workload caused him to have a nervous breakdown.

After nine months at the company, Grdic complained about the working conditions and said he was fired without warning.

He said he was left stranded in Inuvik when the ice road was out.

Living in staff subsidized housing, Grdic was given three weeks notice to move out of the apartment and three week's severance pay.

New North owner, Tom Zubco, argued that Grdic was given a fair severance package, based on "a rule of thumb," used by most companies which offers one month pay per year worked.

Zubco said Grdic was terminated partly as a company security measure.

The employee had all the company Internet passwords and they felt a disgruntled employee could pose a serious threat to the business.

Further, Zubco said Grdic's lawsuit was a "frivolous misuse of the court," and requested that the judge assign court costs, should the plaintiff lose the case.

Deputy Judge Ray Bradley dismissed the personal suit against Zubco, stating that there was insufficient evidence to determine whether the firing was just or unjust.

Bradley did agree with the plaintiff, however, that his severance should be increased because of the increased cost and remote location of Inuvik.

The plaintiff was awarded one week's salary of $1,040 and $450 towards rent.

Zubco said he would not appeal.