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Two medevaced following accident

Chris Puglia
Northern News Services

Rankin Inlet (July 09/03) - Speed and booze are being blamed for an accident that sent two Rankin women south for treatment on June 28.

A Ford Ranger travelling 13 km outside of town on the Road to Nowhere rolled over two or three times according RCMP Const. Domenic Milotte.

The accident occurred at approximately 4 a.m. but was not reported until almost four hours later.

Milotte said despite heavy damage to the vehicle the driver was able to drive the vehicle closer to town.

Seven kilometres outside of Rankin the male driver and his two badly injured female passengers met up with a camping group.

"They met up with the Girl Guides camping. There was a group from town and a group from out of town and they requested some help," said Milotte.

The Guides were from Rankin and a visiting group from Calgary was with them.

Carla Punshon, a Guide leader from Rankin, described the wrecked truck and injured occupants as "pretty bad".

"The vehicle had stopped at the Girl Guide campsite early Saturday morning," she said.

Luckily the Guides had a satellite phone that the government loans to them regularly when they go on camping trips.

"We needed it for a different reason this time," said Punshon.

The driver and the two passengers were rushed to the Rankin health centre.

Milotte said the two female's injuries were not life threatening, but serious enough that they had to be flown south for treatment.

"One had a broken arm and broken ribs," said Milotte.

The driver's injuries were less serious and he was treated and released.

The three victims are all in their 30s.

No charges have been laid in connection with the accident.

"We are still investigating and are waiting to interview the passengers, which will be done when they get back to town," said Milotte.