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Bears too close for comfort

Unusual number of sightings a concern for Coral Harbour

Chris Puglia
Northern News Services

Coral Harbour (July 23/03) - It's unusual to say the least.

Coral Harbour has had four polar bear sightings near town this summer and Noah Kaludjak said they usually have none.

"It's unusual this time of the year," said Kaludjak a hamlet resident and local hunter.

"We've had four polar bear sightings, that's too many."

One bear came as close as two kilometers from the hamlet, it was sighted near cabins on the land.

The sightings are prompting hamlet residents to take caution.

"People are keeping their kids at home at night," said Kaludjak.

"Even when we go play golf we bring a rifle."

So far there have fortunately been no incidents.

The only casualty has been a polar bear that wandered too close to a fishing camp and threatened some fisherman.

That is a solution that Kaludjak said they would like to avoid.

Every time a polar bear is shot in self-defence that is one fewer hunters are allowed to harvest during hunting season. Reductions in the harvest quota means a loss in income for hunters.

Kaludjak said the increase in bears is because of the fact the ice melted in the area faster than usual.

No ice meant no where for the polar bears to hunt.

"They are looking for food," said Kaludjak.

"It's unsettling. We don't want to have to kill them."