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Expansion plan on schedule

Gas bar set to open mid-September

Stephan Burnett
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (July 23/03) - The newly expanded and renovated Yellowknife Direct Charge Co-op grocery store is on track to open for mid-November while the upgraded gas bar should be open a couple months earlier in mid-September.

Margaret Woodley, manager of member services, said construction on the site is moving forward at a steady pace with all the crews moving in and out with no problems.

"The gas bar is being relocated and the kiosk is being expanded to 1,500 feet," said Woodley.

The new store will be 57,000 sq. ft. in size -- an expansion of 21,000 sq. ft.

"A full-service deli will be expanded and the produce section will be expanded as well," said Woodley.

"There will be more tills and more groceries," said Woodley.

The expansion was approved at the 2001 annual general meeting with planning taking place in 2002 and construction beginning earlier this year.

Work is being completed by Yellowknife-based Clark Builders.

"They're doing a fabulous job," said Woodley.

The parking space at the new store is set to more than double but in an effort to curtail costs, Co-op members have decided to bag their own groceries.

"Bagging groceries is a service that we would love to provide but our members have made the decision to curtail the costs and we have a lot of loyal members," said Woodley.