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Two thumbs way down

Road repairs not up to par

Amy Collins
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (July 11/03) - Some residents are upset about road construction that was done on Woolgar Avenue, Dagenais Drive and Glick Court last month.

"That is a disgrace... what they've done to our street," said Trevor Martin of 9 Glick Ct.

"They're knocking down the value of our homes. It's crap."

Martin said that the repaving was "totally unacceptable" and noted that when the street in front of City Hall was fixed up, "they took it, redid it."

The City of Yellowknife does do complete reconstruction occasionally. However, the city budget didn't allow for the department to redo all the asphalt this year.

"We fix a few streets each year... where road movement is happening," said Greg Kehoe, director of public works. "Before it was a lot bumpier."

The city used a cold mix to fix the worst spots on the street.

"It's fairly inexpensive to apply," he said.

After Kehoe received a couple of complaints from residents, public works went back and smoothed the roads out.

Allan Twissell, whose Dagenais home looks out on the re-patching, said it's still pretty rough.

"They just did a patch job instead of a proper job," he said.

"It's still in pretty bad shape."

While he commends the city for filling the big dips in the street, he said that it's only "marginally better."