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MLAs gear up for re-election

Yose Cormier
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (June 13/03) - While members of the legislative assembly are figuring out whether to seek re-election come autumn, it's curtains for one.

Jake Ootes, MLA for Yellowknife Centre, announced he would be stepping down after the end of his second term in office.

The minister of education, culture and employment announced his decision during Monday's session at the legislative assembly.

"It is with great emotion, great humility and perhaps many regrets that I am informing you that I propose to move on to the next exciting phase of my life," he said.

Ootes gave a heart-warming account of his years in politics and his views on the NWT.

Ootes said he has restricted himself to eight years at whatever job he had and that it is time for a change.

Ootes is the only MLA so far who has announced he won't be seeking re-election.

Jane Groenewegen and Tony Whitford said they have not made up their minds. The other 16 MLAs have said they are seeking re-election come November.