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Water flows again in Rae-Edzo

Deliveries return after payment made

Erin Fletcher
Northern News Services

Rae-Edzo (May 05/03) - The water is flowing more freely through the taps of Rae-Edzo's 80 social housing units this week.

The NWT Housing Corporation held true to their word and paid $106,000 of the $133,000 over due water bill to the Hamlet of Rae-Edzo, April 25.

The hamlet's senior administrative officer, Mike Richards, was pleased to get the payment because the bill was putting strain on the hamlet's delicate financial situation.

On April 22 Richards told the water delivery contractor to limit deliveries to once a week because the NWT Housing Corporation owed the hamlet $133,000 in unpaid bills.

The Dogrib Rae Band Housing Division has held a contract with NWT Housing Corporation for several years and is usually responsible for paying the bills. But the division was disbanded because of accountability issues and a new board -- called the Rae-Edzo Housing Authority -- will be formed soon. While the board is in transition, the NWT Housing Corporation is responsible for managing the housing units.

Once the payment was made, water delivery was restored to normal levels -- three days a week for most homes.

Richards said some social housing residents haven't paid their rent in years.

"It was a huge shock to people when they realized there were bills to pay."

Richards said Rae-Edzo is like any other community he's worked in when it comes to bill payments.

"There is always some 20 per cent who are behind in their bills," he said.

Richards said from now on the NWT Housing Corporation has promised to pay 15 days after receiving the water delivery invoice.

The new housing authority and the Dogrib Rae Band Council are co-hosting a public information session about the situation on May 7 at 7 p.m. at the Rae-Edzo Culture Centre.