Jack Danylchuk
Northern News Services
"I'm definitely going to be running again and I want your vote," Handley said as he outlined the agenda for the final legislative session that opens June 4 and ends June 13.
Officially, the election campaign doesn't start until the writ is dropped and nominations open on October 27.
But seasoned politicians like Handley are taking their cue from enumerators who will be going door-to-door until June 6 to gather names for the voters list for the November 24 territorial election.
He will host two more community meetings before the session opens and will go door-to-door throughout Weledeh during the summer to canvass voters' opinions on issues.
Handley expects competition, and "if they can keep up with me and beat me they can have the job," he said.
"I enjoy the challenge."
Handley, who also serves as government house leader, said 14 pieces of legislation will be introduced during the spring session, but not all will be passed into law.
Changes to the Motor Vehicles Act that will lower the alcohol level for driving to .05 per cent or impose an administrative suspension; the Dehcho Bridge Act that clears the way for a span across the Mackenzie River; changes to the Workers' Compensation Act and the Public Service Act will all be high priorities, he said.
Handley said other legislation will be introduced but will not be passed until the September session, including changes to laws on family violence and returns on beverage containers, while more complex issues, such as laws on official languages and revision of the Wildlife Act, will be left for the next government.