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Water advisory lifted

Paul Bickford
Northern News Services

Hay River (May 26/03) - A boil water advisory ended in Hay River on May 20.

The advisory was issued May 15 as heavy spring run-off increased the turbidity - meaning more particles - in the source water from Great Slave Lake. The increased turbidity strained the town's water treatment system and resulted in slightly brownish water being supplied to homes.

There was also an increase in coliform in the source water. However, testing of treated water found no increase in coliform.

Environmental health officer Rhian Harrison said she heard from people concerned about the water and others who thought the boil water advisory was an overreaction.

"I got calls from both ends of the spectrum," she says, noting long-time residents did not seem concerned about the water.

Harrison also said there has been no indication anyone became sick from drinking water during the boil water period.

Mayor Duncan McNeill stressed the " water was perfectly safe."