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Police commit to new openness

Darren Stewart
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (May 14/03) - Reporters can write better stories with the help of police and police can use the news to help make the community safer.

That was the message to come out of a two-day media relations seminar for local RCMP members, last weekend.

The Yellowknife RCMP publicly committed to be more accessible to reporters at the wrap-up of the seminar.

"The past is the past and we don't need to dwell there and I think looking forward we'll have a much better working relationship that will serve this community well," said Insp. Greg Morrow.

Police from across the NWT as well as representatives from the Crown's office and municipal enforcement took part in the course to learn about the role media plays in a community.

The course was taught by Gary Martin, a retired 26-year veteran of the Halifax police force who now works as a media skills consultant for the RCMP and other agencies.

Martin travels the country teaching police that media and police play crucial roles in a healthy community. Those roles can have a huge impact on quality of life in a community, he said.

"A safe community is an informed community," said Martin. "There's nothing worse than hearing a rumour about a crime but not knowing the facts.

If nothing is ever done and the police will not talk to you, people start to live in fear."

Martin said he believes that, as long as information doesn't jeopardize an investigation or breach privacy laws, it should be available to the community through media coverage.

Insp. Paul Richards, Yellowknife's new detachment commander, agreed.

"As much as media has a story, we have a story to tell," he said.

"We both serve the public and we both serve the community.

"It's in our best interest to build a professional relationship."

Richards took over the detachment this week after moving to Yellowknife from Ottawa.