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Surprise win for senior

Erin Fletcher
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Apr 30/03) - Luck must run through the veins of Yellowknife Gymnastics Club's raffle winner.

Ruth Mould bought the winning ticket two days before the April 19 draw with money she'd won from a bunch of lottery tickets.

She said she was pretty surprised to win the bright blue 2003 Subaru WRX but is sad she won't be able to use the prize.

Mould, a mother of three with 11 grandchildren and six great grandchildren, will be selling the car because she no longer drives.

"I'll probably give some of (the money) to my children and give a donation to the gymnastics club too," she said during the awards presentation.

The following day, Mould decided to donate $500 to the club.

"I was so touched I just about cried," said club president Elaine Keenan-Bengts.

Other winners in the draw included Neal Carmichael (home theatre system), Deana Dickson (trip for four to Hawaii), Alan Woytuik (computer) and Dan Giesl ($1,000).

The annual club fundraiser generated about $30,000. Members sold about 5,000 tickets. The draw was originally scheduled to be made at Caribou Carnival but was extended to Easter weekend when it looked like the carnival was going to be cancelled, said Keenan-Bengts.