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President for a year

Holtorf to fill in for Evans at helm of Aurora

Paul Bickford
Northern News Services

Fort Simpson (Apr 21/03) - Beginning in September, Aurora College will have a new president, at least temporarily.

President Maurice Evans is going on educational leave for a year and Ron Holtorf will assume leadership of the college for that time.

NNSL Photo

Ron Holtorf, the director of Thebacha Campus in Fort Smith, will fill in for a year as Aurora College president, beginning in September. - Photo courtesy of Aurora College

Holtorf is currently the campus director at the college's Thebacha campus in Fort Smith.

The soon-to-be president says he is "very much" looking forward to the role.

Holtorf has served in various capacities at the college for the last 27 years. For 15 years, he has been campus director.

While noting it is a little early to discuss what he will do as president, he says he will generally carry on and lead the organization.

"I'm not going to be a caretaker," he says, noting there is plenty of direction available in Aurora College's corporate plan.

Evans is leaving for a year to pursue a master's degree in adult education from the University of British Columbia.

Besides Fort Smith, Aurora College has campuses in Yellowknife and Inuvik, along with the Aurora Research Institute in Inuvik and a network of community learning centres.

At the end of his year as president, the 56-year-old Holtorf says he will be retiring.

"I'll be looking at exiting the college at the end of the presidency."

The college hasn't yet advertised for his replacement as director of Thebacha campus.