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Tough new smoking ban passes

Terry Halifax
Northern News Services

Inuvik (Apr 18/03) - Council passed the third and final reading of the bylaw restricting smoking in public places last week.

Coun. Denny Rodgers said the bylaw is a good thing, but felt that private clubs should be exempted from the new law.

"I feel that we are outside our mandate just a little," Rodgers said.

The bylaw prohibits smoking in all public buildings where children are present, but some clubs in Inuvik allow minors to enter for special events.

"To me it's a no brainer -- you don't bring your kids to the bar when people are smoking," Rodgers said in calling for private clubs to be exempt from the bylaw.

Julie Morrison, who initially presented the petition to council, urged the members to vote against the amendment.

"In the long run, we know that smoking is a danger to everyone's health," Morrison said.

"No one gains anything from smoking."

Coun. Derek Lindsay pointed to the Yellowknife bylaw, which left private clubs out of the bylaw.

"If you're going to restrict private clubs from smoking, you might as well close the doors," Lindsay said.

"The bylaw does not address bars at this time, why should we restrict the clubs?"

Coun. Arlene Hansen said clubs have the option to keep children off the premises should they choose to sell liquor and allow smoking.

Coun. Marja Van Niewenhuyzen said she had discussed the issue with many people and decided to vote against the amendment.

A recorded vote on the amendment and the bylaw were called.

Voting against the amendment were: Councillors Cheryl Sharpe, Denny Rodgers and Derek Lindsay.

The motion was defeated. Councillors gave unanimous approval to the third reading of the bylaw.