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Jail time for knife fight

Alcohol was a factor say RCMP

Christine Kay
Northern News Services

Iqaluit (Mar 17/03) - Two Iqaluit men were sentenced in Nunavut court earlier this month after a knife fight landed them both in the hospital.

During the incident, which occurred Feb. 22 at House 115, Alvin Panipakoocho was stabbed in the abdomen while a portion of Joapie Ootova's right ear was bitten off.

Panipakoocho pleaded guilty March 4 to one count of aggravated assault and one count of pointing a firearm.

Judge Beverley Browne sentenced him to six months in jail and one-year probation. A five-year firearm prohibition was also ordered.

Ootova, who appeared in court March 6, pleaded guilty to one count of mischief and received a $100 fine.

Judge Browne sentenced him to one day in jail for breach of probation and another day in jail for breach of a court order.

The Crown stayed one count of criminal harassment against Ootova.

Police say alcohol was a factor in the incident.