Christine Kay
Northern News Services
That experience helped her realize as an adult she wanted to give something back to the community.
Last November, when she moved to Qikiqtarjuaq, she reached her goal.
"I wanted to do something for the kids so Rosemary Metuq and I started Girl Guides," said Aliqatuqtuq.
They already have 20 girls between the ages of nine and 12 attending the meetings.
Ian Ross's daughter Megan, 10, is a guide.
He said it's nice to finally see something for girls in that age group. Ross said Megan looks forward to it each time.
"We usually sit down for about 35 minutes after each meeting and she goes on and on about what they did or what they're going to do," said Ross.
The meetings are held twice a month and the list of activities are endless.
The guides have been cooking, baking, singing and making crafts.
Aliqatuqtuq said they are planning sleep-overs and picnics when the warm weather arrives.
"Having Girl Guides makes a lot of difference in the girls' lives.
"They are so eager to be a part of guides and they are really eager to participate in the activities," she explained.