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A visit from the care committee

Elected members tackle problems in community

Christine Kay
Northern News Services

Arctic Bay (Mar 17/03) - During the municipal election last December, residents did not just cast votes for hamlet councillors, they also voted for members of the caregivers committee.

It was the first time community caregivers had been elected in Nunavut.

During the past few months residents have become more aware of the five members who were elected and what their role is in the community.

The committee consists of Leah Qaqqasiq-May, Connie Kilukishak, Joanasie Akumalik, Tuutalik Ejangiaq, Sarah Taqtu and Mary Akumalik.

"In the past, I was getting a lot of feedback that the community was not satisfied with the representation.

"Most people indicated the caregivers committee would work better if its members were elected," said Arctic Bay Mayor Joanasie Akumalik.

The committee works closely with elders to address each problem individually.

"At my home, we've received spousal assault victims.

"They've come in in the morning because they were battered.

"The elders on the committee help deal with marital problems," said Akumalik.

"It's a small community. When the water truck has a flat tire, everyone knows.

"Now, they know everyone on the caregivers committee," said Akumalik.

Committee chairperson Qaqqasiq-May said even though the group is still setting their goals, it has already achieved success.

They'll do whatever they can to help or find help for people thinking of suicide, dealing with marital problems or with abuse, and those who are trying to stop drinking or doing drugs.

"If someone needs help from us, we'll go to them -- to their house," said Qaqqasiq-May.