They received a cool response from territorial court Judge Michel Bourassa.
Five youths are charged with snowmobile thefts in late December and early January. Three of the youths go school together. All five belong to the same snowmobile association.
One youth wanted to leave the territory for hockey school next month. Judge Bourassa granted this request. The youth also asked to extend his curfew to attend 11:30 p.m. hockey games and other activities without his parents.
Bourassa said no way to no parents. He ruled the boy can go to hockey, but his parents must go along.
"I appreciate the undertaking is a pain in the neck, but he's facing criminal charges," said the judge. "The conditions are not unreasonable."
Bourassa granted another youth the same request and gave him permission to travel out of territory to see his sick grandmother.
A third youth asked to attend a snowmobile race -- if he qualifies -- in Alberta. The exasperated judge refused to change the condition based on the possibility he qualifies.
Lawyer Kelly Payne then asked to change the condition that forbids the boys from associating with each other.
It's difficult for her client to avoid the others since he sees them at school and at snowmobile racing, said Payne.
The judge refused to change the order. "He's going to have to minimize his contact, said Bourassa. "That was a condition he was released on. It may be an inconvenience, but what can I say?"
However, the judge said common sense should prevail.
If they are borrowing a wrench from each other, I can't see that a charge will be laid. "But if they are chumming around at Tim Hortons..."
The youths are due back in youth court on March 24.