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Man zapped after taking Tylenol

Darren Stewart
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Feb 05/03) - Ronald Joe Whalen, 59, was convicted of theft and operating a vehicle while impaired.

Whalen pleaded guilty to both offences, which arose from two different incidents over the past few months. On Dec. 15 Whalen, who has chronic back pain, took a bottle of Tylenol from Extra Foods without paying.

An employee alerted police and confronted Whalen, who became belligerent. Police arrived and, after repeated attempts to calm him down, shocked him with a Taser gun and arrested him without further incident.

On Aug. 24 police received a report of two men sitting in a truck outside Salvation Army, drinking beer. Whalen, who sat in the passenger seat, was reportedly waiting for the shelter to open to go inside for a meal. Whalen and his male passenger were arrested.

Judge Robert Halifax fined Whalen $300 and $1,200 for the offences.