Range Lake MLA Sandy Lee, as well as Hay River South MLA Jane Groenewegen, want more assurance from the minister of health that they are.
Lee suggested an independent group, like an office of the child advocate be created, especially since funding for 11 child-care workers has been cut.
However, during session Tuesday, Miltenbereger said there are no formal plans in the works to set up "any kind of independent body as it pertains to child welfare matters."
Groenewegen said getting a child-care worker to come to a home rather than having a child torn away from a family should be considered more often.
Miltenberger said there has been an increased use of this method.
Rather than apprehending kids, it is cost-effective to keep them in the home, he said.
But he said the child welfare system is troubled.
"We're working on it," he said. "There is no common standard. There's clearly been inconsistencies ... across authorities."
Media messes up health story
The Globe and Mail recently reported the territories turned their backs on a $5-billion health-care deal (rather than $5 million, the correct sum).
"This mistake doesn't make the North look good," Yellowknife South MLA Brendan Bell said.
Further confusing matters are differing views of the federal budget between GNWT Finance Minister Joe Handley, who is critical of the federal government's plan, and NWT Liberal MP Ethel Blondin-Andrew who praises the budget.
"She's trying to put a positive spin on it," Bell said.
"We want to be consistent with our approach to Ottawa," Bell added.