Every year snowmobilers risk their lives hydro-planing across a patch of open water close to the plant. The dare-devils typically do their tricks at night but leave tell-tale tracks in the snow.
The power corporation uses lake water as a coolant then streams warm water back into the lake, resulting in patches of thin ice and open water.
The fire department and the power corporation install signs, flags and a red flashing light warning people of the danger.
They also shine a light on the thawed areas so people can see it at night.
"My understanding is that there is not much we can do, legally, beyond asking people, 'Please don't do this,'" said Randy Patrick, North Slave regional director.
Patrick said the corporation has noticed the problem for years, but this winter it seems like more people taking the risk.
Deputy Fire Chief Sandy McPhee said he's aware of the problem.
"This winter it seems like every time I drive past after fresh snow falls there's four or five tracks going through there," he said.
"Everybody watches these extreme videos on TV and for the most parts sleds can make it over. But disaster could strike at any time."