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Valentine's dinner with a twist

Tara Kearsey
Northern News Services

Sachs Harbour (Feb 17/03) - Sachs Harbour sweethearts celebrated Valentine's Day in a unique and mysterious way this year.

A special mystery dinner was held Friday night at the Inualthuyak school gym. Guests were seated and presented with a Valentine-themed menu, but had no idea what they were ordering.

And to make it even more intriguing, the desserts, appetizers and main dishes were not separated from each other.

Each person was permitted to choose one item at a time, which meant they could end up ordering three or four different desserts before getting to the main course.

"We had crazy names for the menu like a special coffee could be called a Love Potion ... and they never know what they are getting," said recreation co-ordinator Doreen Carpenter.

As of last Feb. 11, 24 people had made reservations for the mystery dinner. The cost was $20 per person or $30 per couple and most of the funds raised will go towards the Whitefox Jamboree, which will be held in May.

The dinner was followed by karaoke singing and a dance.