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GNWT setting new rules for use of logo

Lynn Lau
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Dec 09/02) - The GNWT is producing a new manual to help standardize the look of its documents, advertisements, signs, Web pages and other publications.

A consultant is being hired to revamp the existing 20-year-old "visual identity" guidelines by April.

"The old manual is so old it's not being used," says April Taylor, director of communications for the GNWT Executive. "It was developed before the technology we have now for communications -- fax machines, e-mail, the Internet."

The new guidelines may include changes to the font used in the government logo, and the three-legged polar bear may get an updated look.

A request for proposals went out this month, following the release of a report in June. The $30,000 study, completed by Tait Communications and Consulting, identified several aspects of the government's visual identity program which could be improved.

For example, the report suggests phasing out departmental logos, which compete with the polar bear logo and dilute the government's "brand identity."