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Group discounts

First Air deal not uncommon

Chris Puglia
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Dec 13/02) - A contract between First Air and the Dene Nation granting deals on air travel is not uncommon, according the company's director of sales Mike Olson.

"It's a contract with the Dene Nation, which is like any other contract we have with other organizations," said Olson.

He could not go into specifics of the contract because he said it is a confidential document between First Air and the Dene Nation.

However, he said reports of a flat 10 per cent discount had been mis-reported.

First Air's policy is that all seniors and children can fly at 10 per cent off regular fares.

Discounts on air fare for people belonging to the Dene Nation depend on a variety of criteria based on number of passengers, frequency of travel and dates of travel.

Olson would not comment on the details of the criteria except to say it would not apply to those who only travel once a year.

"It's not any different than if you came to me and said, 'We have a hockey group with 10 people, what can you do for me,'" said Olson.

"We have different sponsorships we do, these go into the hundreds." Olson said he has not received any complaints on the policy and he said any complaints it is discriminatory would be unfounded. "It's a business transaction. It's got nothing to with discrimination," he said.