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Pumping up the program

Weight training facility gets more equipment and members

Darrell Greer
Northern News Services

Rankin Inlet (Nov 06/02) - New life has been breathed into an old exercise facility in Rankin Inlet.

Mario Moreira began training at the weight room located at Nunavut Arctic College's Kivalliq campus about a year ago. The equipment was moved to the college after Bob Foster left Rankin about two years ago.

Foster had been running the weight room at Maani Ulujuk middle school prior to his departure.

Moreira saw an opportunity for growth with the weight room and took over its operation about three months ago with the help of Todd Romaine and Jeff Lewis.

Interest grew and now the facility boasts 30 members.

"We're pretty excited," says Moreira.

"Getting 30 members is a great start and we hope to continue growing from there."

The facility is open 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. from Monday to Friday.

It's also open on the weekends from 1-4 p.m.

The college donates the space and Moreira plans to approach the hamlet for some additional help in purchasing equipment.

"The hamlet used to help out years ago, so I want to check and see if it can start helping again."

The club is for both men and women.

"Not a lot of women in the hamlet actually knew about the facility, but that's starting to change.

"Word is spreading, and more women are starting to hear about it."

The club offers mainly free weights, although there are a couple of machines that operate on a pulley system.

Moreira says a lot of time and effort has gone into fixing up the equipment to make it operational again.

He says anyone who drops by to check out the facility will be impressed.

"We've just purchased a brand new treadmill, which should arrive within the next few weeks, and there's a bike and treadmill currently in the room.

"It's a nice place to come in and work out."

A number of local minor hockey players have started to use the facility in recent weeks to prepare for the upcoming season.

Moreira says organizers are trying to keep club membership at 16 years of age and older.

"We ask the kids still in school to get their parents permission to use facility.

"And, we also do our best to have it supervised at all times because we don't want any accidents."