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Auxiliary RCMP constable honoured

Hay River's Jack Keefe commended

Paul Bickford and Chris Puglia
Northern News Services

Hay River (Nov 04/02) - An auxiliary constable with the Hay River RCMP has received a prestigious award for bravery.

Jack Keefe was honoured with a Commanding Officer's Commendation, the second-highest award bestowed by the RCMP.

Keefe was recognized as a result of an incident in September 2001 when he and Const. Charles Quartey were confronted with a man armed with a knife.

"We managed to get the knife from him and arrest him without any injury," Keefe says.

During the presentation ceremony in Yellowknife on Oct. 26, Insp. Pat McCloskey of "G" Division noted the commendation is reserved for the most severe events or incidents.

"Most regular members in the RCMP go their whole careers without receiving one," McCloskey said.

Keefe says he feels honoured to have received the award, although he says he does not consider himself a hero for his actions.

"I knew these sorts of things are possible," he says. "It never caused me to re-think my position as an auxiliary officer."

Keefe says his training kicked in during the incident. "You don't really have time to be frightened."

Keefe, a 40-year-old English teacher at Diamond Jenness Secondary School, has been an auxiliary constable for five years.

"I guess I've always been interested in police work," he says, adding he thought becoming an auxiliary constable would be a good way to serve the community.

Keefe, who is originally from New Brunswick, has lived in Hay River for 11 years.