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Don't axe Cleaver, unions say

UNW Local 11 and YKHSS Medical Association back Stanton CEO

Chris Puglia
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Nov 27/02) - Is Dennis Cleaver, Stanton Territorial Hospital's CEO, on the way out?

The Yellowknife Medical Association and the Union of Northern Workers Local 11 believe he is.

Cleaver was placed on one week paid leave following the release of the Stanton Territorial Hospital review on Friday, Nov. 15.

Jim Corkal, president of the medical association, said Cleaver was also not back at work Monday.

Both Corkal and UNW Local 11 president, Suzette Montreuil, stated at a press conference on Monday that they believe now is not the time for a change in leadership at the hospital.

"Staff members were alarmed when we learned the CEO's tenure was in question," said Montreuil.

"This is not necessarily a show of support for anyone in a management position.

"We're saying in this context Mr. Cleaver is the best person to carry out the implementation of the recommendations."

The medical association held a special meeting on the issue Nov. 20 when a vote of confidence was held.

"The medical staff is of unanimous opinion that Mr. Cleaver is the most appropriate person to lead Stanton through the implementation of the recommendations of the operational review," said Corkal.

The operational review stated that a majority of staff at the hospital were dissatisfied with hospital leadership. The report also placed blame on hospital management for many of the difficulties being experienced at the facility.

Corkal said those findings may be a little deceiving because questions posed to staff didn't necessarily ask about hospital management.

"The questions didn't distinguish leadership," he said, adding that they did not distinguish between senior management, the board or the Ministry of Health.