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BHP has been selected as one of Canada's top 100 employers for the second year in a row.

BHP a gem of an employer

Jennifer McPhee
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Oct 30/02) - For the second consecutive year, BHP Billiton Inc. was selected as one of Canada's top 100 employers.

The pat on the back comes from Mediacorp Canada Inc. in its 2003 edition of Canada's Top 100 Employers. Due in stores next week, it is marketed towards job-seekers, head hunters and corporate executives.

At least once a year, BHP employees get a great deal on diamonds through the company's diamond purchasing program. Shown here, Suzie Bourne with Ekati diamonds. - NNSL file photo

The book's editorial team reviewed the recruitment histories of more than 47,000 Canadian employers and asked 6,000 to apply.

They examined how employers compare to others using criteria such as: is the physical environment stimulating, do they keep employees informed abut company news and do they go the extra distance to recruit and retain employees.

"Only one employer in this book offers employers the change to see the aurora borealis from their workplace and endless days of radiant sunshine in the summer," said the book's publisher.

The book also notes BHP's comprehensive benefits package, commitment to Northerners and diamond purchasing program.

The company also offers a unique workplace literacy program taught by adult educators during work hours -- which aims to improve employee's reading, writing and numeracy skills.

"People are saying they are able to read to their children now," said BHP Billiton spokesperson Denise Burlingame. "It's so heartwarming the stories we get back from our employees.

The actual boarding facilities resemble a five star hotel, with a 24-hour dinning room, full-size gym and workout room, squash and tennis courts, sauna, and indoor golf.

Administrator of mine operations Carla Lauinger gushes about the advantages of being a BHP employee. She won a scholarship from BHP while studying in Calgary, and applied for a job shortly after returning to Yellowknife.

"It's the best job I've ever had. I love working here."

Among other things, she praises the company for its aboriginal hiring policy.

"It great because it offers us more jobs," she said. "Instead of being put at the bottom of a pile."