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Thirteen months for crime spree

Man committed crimes while released on bail

Jennifer McPhee
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Sep 06/02) - An unemployed 22-year-old man who repeatedly grinned in court was sentenced to 13 months in jail this week for a string of offences spanning a 10-month period.

The court heard Jamie Meyook was apprehended March 8 after police stopped his car, noticed his bloodshot eyes and discovered there was a warrant for his arrest for failing to appear in court.

During searches, police found 18.4 grams of marijuana stashed in his underwear.

After being released on bail, the man broke into three Yellowknife businesses on April 21. He was arrested and released on bail again, the court heard.

On Aug. 24, he assaulted his father using a stick with a nail in it.

He then threatened a stranger on the street with the stick, saying: "You better get out of here or I'll bust you."

Meyook plead guilty to three charges of break-and-enter, two weapons-related charges, one drug offence, breach of probation and failure to appear in court.

Although the Crown asked for nine to 12 months, Judge Michel Bourassa condemned his "non-stop anti-social behaviour" and handed him a stiffer 13-month sentence.

Bourassa said he was amazed Meyook kept obtaining bail and noted his amused demeanor in court.

He also pointed out Meyook's choice of weapon.

"A stick with a nail on it, that's a manufactured weapon," he said. "It's not something one reaches for in a fit of passion."