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Addictions strategy due

Expect long-term plan, not 'radical change'

Chris Puglia
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Sep 06/02) - A year and a half of public consultations and stakeholder meetings are about to culminate in a new GNWT addictions strategy.

"Addictions in general are close to the top priority in the territories, both for people of the community and community health.

"Everyone is touched by addictions," said Dana Heide, director of integrated community services with the GNWT.

"Addictions affect unborn children as much as they do seniors."

The new strategy is aimed at bringing together all aspects of community health. It is expected to be released following government approval within the next six weeks and be implemented soon after.

The recommendations look at improving accessibility and bringing departments such as mental health, family and social services, public health and a variety of others closer together.

"It's very much based on 'how do we support people to live a healthy productive lifestyle.'

"We're looking at developing healthy, well families," said Heide.

"It's a long-term plan. We don't expect to make a radical change overnight."