Chris Puglia
Northern News Services
"As a district we're seeing some growth," said Kern Von Hagen, superintendent of the Catholic school division.
"Enrolment is up, it's fluctuating.
"We've certainly experienced significant growth at Weledeh."
Although the first month of school is tenuous in terms of enrolment figures, Von Hagen said he expects a four per cent increase in students this year.
"I would say it's not forced growth.
"But I would say for the City of Yellowknife it is significant," said Von Hagen.
The division also has 27 new teachers, five of those positions were created this year.
Two were replacements for retirees and the remainder filled vacancies created by teachers who left the system.
As well, two new support staff positions were added this year.
"We had a host of people leave looking for new adventures and opportunities," said Von Hagen.
A band program is new to the Catholic division this year, and a new math and science coach has been hired.
Yellowknife Catholic Schools operates three schools: Ecole St. Joseph, Weledeh and St. Patrick high.
Information on growth in the public system has not been made available.
There are, however, 40 new faces teaching in Yellowknife Education District No. 1.