Chris Puglia
Northern News Services
Michael Miltenberger, who made the announcement at a press conference Tuesday, said growing concern over staff shortages, ward closures and retention led to the review.
![]() Health minister Michael Miltenberger has announced an operational review at Stanton Territorial Hospital. Miltenberger made announcement Tuesday prior to making a trip to Banff for the provincial health ministers conference.
- Chris Puglia/NNSL photo |
"Stanton Hospital is a very critical piece of the health care system. It's a $50 million a year operation," said Miltenberger. It's a territorial hospital and a culmination of factors has made it necessary for me to order this review."
He said these factors include the closure of the Intensive Care Unit and surgery wards and the possible reduction in service on the obstetrics ward. Ongoing staffing issues in terms of recruitment and retention and declining staff morale are also leading factors.
"I need to know the answers to the questions laid out here," he said, adding he would not comment on whether he expected to see changes in hospital administration following the review.
The review will be conducted by a four-person steering committee consisting of the deputy minister, two Stanton board trustees and the secretary to the financial management board secretariat.
The committee will be responsible to provide information to an independent contractor who will undertake the review.
Miltenberger said the review will be completed by October 25 and will make recommendations concerning:
- management strengths and weaknesses
- strengths and weaknesses in human resources
- what factors, internal and systemic, are contributing to recruitment and retention difficulties
- improvement of staff morale
- investigation of delegation of authority in terms of the health authority's compliance in hiring staff and for administration of benefits
"I think what we should do is let the committee do their work and come forward with their recommendations," said Miltenberger.
The independent contractor has not yet been decided, nor has the cost of the review been determined. Miltenberger said, however, that he hoped the cost would remain under $100,000.
Oldest trick
Range Lake MLA Sandy Lee, the only member to attend the press conference, said she is not impressed by the minister's announcement.
"It's the oldest trick in the bag when a minister is pressured into action," said Lee.
"It's going to cost more money and it's buying more time," Lee said adding a review of the hospital operations may be needed, but it falls short of the real issues.
"I have not heard of any recruitment and retention strategy," she said.
Lee said the GNWT is dragging its feet on the issues and this new review will only prolong the crisis.
"This will take us to Christmas now," said Lee.
"This is not something that happened yesterday."