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How long did baby Joretta cry before the - 27 C cold and wind snuffed out her short life?
Those are the thoughts that must be front and centre in the minds of police, Crown lawyers and the coroner who waits for a decision on criminal charges.
Joretta was seven weeks old when she was found frozen to death outside her Holman home on March 1.
If she was alive today, Joretta likely would have been crawling by now. She would have been a bundle of smiles.
Instead, she's dead, and we have to ask who is speaking up for Baby J?
For too long this tragedy has been shrouded in silence.
Police have investigated. Crown lawyers are reviewing the case.
The coroner's hands are tied while the so-called criminal investigation grinds on.
Baby Joretta is in danger of becoming a mere memory.
How does it happen that a child dies an unnatural death and no one is held accountable?
Joretta's death cannot be shrugged off as another casualty in the North's continuing struggle with alcohol. If we are a dysfunctional society then does not the silence become our ally?
It has already been far too long but at least now if criminal charges are warranted, lay them. If not, say so and let the coroner take over so that critical questions can be answered.
Who was responsible for Joretta's death? Who, if anyone, could have prevented her death? Most importantly, what can we learn that will prevent another child dying? Do we not do as much for adults?
While the grief and loss suffered by Joretta's family cannot be ignored, who would deny that above all Joretta belonged to herself?
Her untimely death demands that the truth come out. If a decision is made no individuals are to be held accountable for her death, then it remains all Northerners must be, just as we are responsible for the health and safety of all children.
Either the Crown or coroner must act and now.
Can despair get any deeper than when a man sees no other option than to hold a knife to a young boy?
We can wonder all we want about what led 26-year-old Naytanie Atadjuat to stab his wife and then take the boy hostage, but know this: it is just the latest sign of the troubles that are tearing communities apart.
In Cape Dorset a man grabbed a gun and ended up shooting a popular Mountie in 2001.
Around the territory, young Nunavummiut are taking their own lives at a rate 15 times higher than anywhere else in Canada. They are our neighbours, our friends, our role models and they are killing themselves. Just look back to April when a person committed suicide in Clyde River while a wellness symposium was being held in that very community.
Sure, we can blame the evils of alcohol and how it rips families apart, but even banning it from our communities doesn't keep it away. We can blame "society" but what good is that?
Blame only allows us to ignore our responsibility.
Thankfully, Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. president Cathy Towtongie has a new budget to travel the territory and meet beneficiaries to discuss their concerns.
She appears to understand the need to bring social problems to the forefront.
She complained loudly this summer how social issues were left off the Inuit Circumpolar Conference agenda.
Towtongie has the opportunity to get social issues to the forefront of NTI's agenda.
If the land claim corporation is committed to providing economic opportunities, it had better start by tackling the social ills facing Nunavummiut.
The vice president of NewNorth Projects Limited has vowed to sue Iqaluit.
Kenn Harper says the company lost money when the development of Nunavut Suites was rejected. The big problem is not the project being rejected. It's how it was rejected.
NewNorth Properties Ltd, formally Urbco, worked with the city's planning committee and consultant to prepare the building.
Attempts were made to meet the conditions of the commitee -- whether they were met or not depends on who you talk to.
There is one clear problem, it's a discrepancy.
The planning committee says approve it and council says no.
If the planning committee doesn't know when a project should be approved, how can a developer get it right?
Revisions to the current zoning bylaws are underway. Let's hope they are so specific that there is no room for personal interpretation.
Editorial Comment
Darrell Greer
Kivalliq News
While we appreciate the Department of Culture, Language, Elders and Youth is doing what it can to support the NYAP -- based on the youth allotment of its funding structure -- we can't help but wonder why the Department of Education isn't kicking in some much-needed support for this program.
The reluctance to increase financial aid is even more puzzling when one looks back at the government's contributions to the ill-fated Nunascotia program, a poorly conceived project that sent Nunavut students to a Nova Scotia university to hang out on campus and monitor classes. We can only surmise the government believed some form of osmosis would occur within these students, fuelling their desire to attend post-secondary classes.
Of course, without any work or commitment on their part, a number of the students seized the opportunity to do little more than party. The experience may have left a bad taste in the government's mouth towards supporting what it perceives as a similar program.
If that's the case, it's time to wake up and smell the textbooks. Competition for positions in the NYAP is intense among Nunavut youth. And a place in the program is not given simply because one wants it. The students must endure a comprehensive screening process in their communities to prove their desire to participate.
Once selected for the Canadian and international phases of the NYAP, they are exposed to different cultures, increase their awareness and self-esteem, get used to being away from home, develop work skills and learn how to function as part of a team. In short, the NYAP is doing its part in helping to develop our territory's leaders of tomorrow.
Government funding has ranged from $50,000 to $15,000 annually. The lower of which has been the norm during the past three years.
Increased internal funding would make it easier for NYAP organizers to raise the external funding it requires each year to run the $230,000 program -- a fair chunk (minimum $750 each) of which the participants raise themselves.
It would amount to an investment in Nunavut's future, an investment in an educational youth broker with a solid track record of providing high returns to its clients.
Editorial Comment
Terry Halifax
Inuvik Drum
The 25th anniversary of the Inuvialuit Development Corporation underlines just how much has been achieved in a short period of time.
From transportation to oil field services, the Inuvialuit have secured a foothold in the development of the North.
It's no accident the Inuvialuit have achieved such success here. It's taken strong leadership and some smart business planning to get where they are today.
The beneficiaries support in the leadership and key personnel have brought the Inuvialuit unparalleled success in business.
Much more than today's success, the group of companies have secured a legacy for future beneficiaries that will go far beyond the reserves of oil and gas in the ground.
The diversification of the corporation will ensure a long-lasting future for the Inuvialuit and their initiatives have served as a shining example to other original peoples in the North and in Canada.
The Dogribs have followed the lead of the Inuvialuit and are reaping the benefits in very successful partnerships in hydro-electricity and in the mining industry.
Congratulations on the first 25 years in business, I'm sure the next 25 will be even better.
Vicious dogs, vicious owners
Monday's dog attack here punctuates the badly needed dog control legislation required in this town.
In July, a girl was attacked by a pit bull and nothing was done. Now it's dog bites dog, but it's obvious their needs to be some rules in place.
One has to question the motivation of someone requiring one of these short-haired killers in the Arctic.
If a guard dog is needed, a husky is more than adequate. If a pet is needed again a husky makes a great pet.
For the owners of these attack dogs, it's not a question of having a pet or a guardian, it's more of a power trip.
Of course, there are cases of other breeds attacking unprovoked, but the pit bull has sparked more legislation and controversy across the country than any other breed.
It really makes one wonder about the people who witnesses say sicced their pit bulls on the Lindsays' chained dog.
Something needs to be done about this type of behaviour, and a start is putting the dogs down.
Having a killer dog is equivalent to having a lethal weapon and we have all kinds of laws, licenses and restrictions surrounding them. Why should it be any different for killer dogs?
I think it would be very easy to legislate a dangerous dog bylaw here that bans pit bulls outright and places heavy liability on the owners of Rottweilers and Dobermans too.
I know if I was sitting on council, I'd sleep a lot better knowing I did all I could to prevent another dog attack in town.
Editorial Comment
Derek Neary
Deh Cho Drum
Does Fort Simpson Coun. Pat Rowe, now a former councillor after resigning on Monday night, deserve a formal letter of apology from village council?
The councillors couldn't come to agreement on that issue. (Rowe, it should be noted, has not requested an apology). Whether they decide to send a letter expressing regret or not, there are a couple of lessons to be learned from his incident (see Fort Simpson Village Council briefs in this issue for background).
A conflict of interest arises when council is dealing with a matter that represents potential personal gain for a councillor.
Legislation guiding councillors makes it clear that each councillor is responsible to declare conflict of interest for himself or herself. Rowe exercised his judgement on Sept. 3 when he left the room while council briefly discussed and basically expressed no interest in a garbage truck he could make available for rental.
Things took a turn for the worse from there. Rowe felt he would not be in conflict by subsequently debating and voting on the purchase of a 1990 garbage truck from Toronto. Council effectively took that choice away from him by never inviting him back into the room. In retrospect, most councillors concur that a mistake was made.
On a related note, the NWT's legislation fails to spell out how a councillor should proceed when excused. Village councillors have made a practice of leaving the room, and the door has remained open. Coun. Jim Villeneuve pointed out on Monday that there's nothing preventing an excused councillor from simply taking a seat in the gallery.
He's right, but to avoid any possibility of influence, councillors should continue the practice of exiting the room. If there's potential for lengthy debate, all the better if the councillor ascends the nearby flight of stairs and waits until his or her name is called to return. Simply for the sake of propriety, that's better than standing just outside the door.
Any councillor who chooses to sit in the gallery could be accused of staring at or intimidating a colleague or two. Let's face it, councillors sometimes have to make difficult decisions. Hopefully, they set friendships aside when voting. There's no need for added pressure by having the councillor in conflict present in the very room.
Another issue is whether the council chambers door should be closed when an excused councillor steps out of the room. By doing so, any member of the public who happens to come along at that time could easily get the impression that it's an
in camera meeting -- door is closed therefore public is not welcome.
So keep the door open, and excused councillors keep your distance.