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Growing number of dogs destroyed

Owners blamed for increasing number of strays

Christine Kay
Northern News Services

Iqaluit, NU (Sep 23/02) - A growing number of dogs are being killed by city officials and the top bylaw officer puts the blame squarely on the shoulders of negligent owners.

By June, 105 animals were destroyed - 43 more than last year at that time.

NNSL Photo

The fees

- Licences are $10 annually for spayed and neutered animals with their shots. They are $25 otherwise.
- Impound fees double every time a dog is picked up until they reach $300. The fees begin at $40 for a dog with a licence and $75 for a dog without.

Bylaw supervisor Travise Dow blames owners for the problem.

"People get the puppy and they let it grow up. Then they let it go," said Dow. "There's a huge dog problem in town."

To try and cope, the city renovated the pound. It can now hold up to 18 dogs.

Strays are kept for at least 72 hours before they're put down. Bylaw officers also try to post pictures of the dogs around town.

"We always try to keep it for an extra couple of days but then it's the city and the taxpayers covering the cost," said Dow.

Dow said many people do call looking for their dogs, but he also said many people don't.

"For every 10 posters we put up, we have maybe one person call to pick up their dog," he said.

Adding to the problem, fewer dogs have been adopted from the pound this year.

How the city handles stray dogs could also change.

Dow said dog control in Iqaluit may soon be contracted out, which would free up bylaw officers to perform other duties.