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New location helps more students get jobs

Chris Puglia
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Aug 09/02) - Location, location, location. That is key to any successful business and the local Hire-A-Student office learned that this year.

Last year the office had 150 job postings while stationed in the Joe Tobie Building.

In an attempt to increase visibility and encourage off-the-street pedestrian traffic the office was moved to the Centre Square Mall.

The new location worked and 200 job postings were listed with the office.

Of the jobs posted 160 were filled compared to 130 last year.

"The Centre square Mall has had a huge benefit for our visibility," said Patricia Coyne, senior student employment officer.

The mall location creates a lot of foot traffic around the office on a regular basis, which has sparked walk ins from employers and perspective employees.

"Last year we didn't have that," said Coyne.

Coyne says Hire-A-Student is not strictly a job posting service, it is only an aspect of what they do.

They offer a whole range of services that provide students with the tools they need to effectively seek and gain employment. The office provides resume and cover letter writing, interviewing techniques, and job search techniques.

And they also have services that are designed to assist individuals who may have barriers to employment.

The Hire-A-Student office closes for the season on Aug. 14.