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Showing off Coral

Tourists treated to tradition sights

Kerry McCluskey
Northern News Services

Coral Harbour (Aug 07/02) - Hannah Angootealuk knows how to throw a party.

Hired recently by the hamlet to organize activities for tourists aboard the Akademik Ioffe, a cruise ship destined for Greenland, Angootealuk rose to the occasion.

"It's a lot of work," said Angootealuk, still sounding somewhat tired after the whirlwind of activities she hosted for 56 passengers and 11 crew members on July 25.

Angootealuk said she set up a tent outside so when the visitors arrived, they could talk with elders and watch as someone tended a qulliq and made bannock.

"We also had a cooking display. While someone was cooking, the passengers were testing the food. She was barbecuing caribou and frying some," said Angootealuk. "I think they liked it."

The group was also given the chance to sample char caviar and viewed a fashion show and a traditional culture show.

Angootealuk said she wanted the group to visit the nearby Kirchoffer Falls prior to the culture show in order to give the performers more practice time, but the group was so enthusiastic, she had to switch around the activities.

"They really wanted to see the show so we did that first," said Angootealuk.

Tourists also purchased carvings from local artists and toured the community.

As Angootealuk continues to mull over whether she'll take on the organizing job for next year's cruise ship stopover, she marvels at the knowledge she managed to pull off the event a day earlier than she was supposed to.

"They were supposed to be here July 26, but then they showed up on the 25th," she laughed.

"It was a big rush."