Terry Halifax
Northern News Services
The NWT Housing Corporation sent a letter to council stating that they would consider moving the elder's six-plex east of the original plan that would have eliminated RV parking in the Happy Valley Campground.
The new plan would require a small piece of property that is not currently used by the campground.
The letter described the area as "difficult to develop" and would require a new geotechnical survey before approval.
Coun. Denny Rogers was in firm opposition to the new plan.
"I think council should send a strong message back, saying, 'That's fine, but we don't want to give-up one square inch of our campground,' " Rogers said.
Mayor Peter Clarkson said the new design doesn't take away anything that is currently used by the campground.
Rogers said that while the plan doesn't show it, the new site would still require a road into the parking area and the campground may want to expand into that area.
"With the current design ... there would probably be a 20-to 30-foot access into the campground that would be used as a driveway to get into those parking stalls," Clarkson said.
The mayor said the town had received a letter from Minister Responsible for the Housing Corporation Roger Allen saying that if the $250,000 wouldn't be paid to Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development for the campground, the Housing Corp. would pay the town that money to fill additional areas for campsites.
Coun. Don Craik said the building proposed is still not what he felt was a senior's complex.
"It's still just public housing," Craik said.
Coun. George Doolittle said it was his understanding that there won't be anymore 'facility' type buildings, with a common area as the one built in Tuktoyaktuk.
"This is it," Doolittle said. "These 12 units going in here are going to replace any concept of you had of the 'Tuk-styled' facility."
Clarkson elaborated that the design would allow for handicapped access.
"The only thing the housing corp has said distinguishes it as it is designed for seniors; it will have low windows, low counters and handicapped access," he said. "It's still a public housing unit and it will be maintained by the housing corporation."
Clarkson said the decision is required immediately, so the geotechnical work can be done if the housing corp is to begin construction this year.
"At least then, they would have the guidance they need to proceed as necessary with the geotechnical work done," he said.
There was some discussion if the land had been officially turned over to the Housing Corporation from RWED and Coun. Gary Smith thought now would be the best time to get the land back under the town's control.
"This brings up another issue that council should address and that's getting ownership of the property," Smith said.
Clarkson said he felt RWED would have no problem with turning over the property, but said, "With ownership would also mean operation (of the campground.)"
Council was to vote on the new proposal at Wednesday's meeting.