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Shell gas station vandalized

Suspect threw wood through glass door

Tara Kearsey
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (July 17/02) - A rowdy bar patron smashed the door of the Shell gas station early Friday morning.

Shell's assistant manager Madeline Lemieux said the incident occurred at approximately 1:30 a.m Friday when two patrons from the Monkey Tree began fighting in the gas station parking lot.

"Something happened at the bar and it ended up here. Then he ended up grabbing a bundle of wood and throwing it through our front door," she said.

The other male involved in the fight had locked himself inside the gas station to get away from his assailant, explained Lemieux.

The individual who locked himself inside the gas station was injured when the glass shattered and the bundle of wood struck him.

"The girls outside were screaming to call the RCMP.

"It all happened within a minute - not even," she said.

The male inside the store was bleeding profusely, said Lemieux.

"He was bleeding all over our store."

RCMP Sgt. Al McCambridge said the matter is still under investigation and no criminal charges have been laid as of yet. Lemieux said the door was replaced later that morning.