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School cancelled after break-in, vandalism

Kerry McCluskey
Northern News Services

Iglulik (June 03/02) - Ataguttaluk elementary school in Iglulik was closed last Thursday morning following a break and enter incident.

School principal Millie Kuliktana said the school shut its doors to keep children safe from the shattered glass that lay in the hallways. Staff could not clean up the mess until RCMP wrapped up their investigation.

The incident occurred some time between the evening of May 29 and the morning of May 30.

Kuliktana said the school janitor and vice-principal noticed several broken windows and doors and green spray paint when they entered the school at approximately 8 a.m. May 30.

"There was lots of damage done to doors of the administration area and the old wing," said Kuliktana.

She said she assumed the vandals were looking for money, but staff knew from prior experience to remove all cash from the premises. "We never keep money here because we learned our lesson."

The police were called immediately and Iglulingmiut were advised to keep their children home for the morning. Kuliktana said teachers combed their classrooms to see if anything was taken and were then directed to go home.

The police finished around 10:30 a.m., giving staff time to vacuum the mess before the school re-opened after lunch.

Kuliktana said much of the afternoon was spent talking with the children who were upset by the incident.

"I had a tear roll down my cheek as I walked down the hall. This is supposed to be a happy, safe place for kids and when someone does that, it brings down your morale so much," she said.

Students plan to run a poster campaign asking community members to respect the school and to keep it a happy, safe environment for Iglulik youth.

Cpl. Perry Bielbert of the Iglulik RCMP said while it appears nothing was stolen, the matter continues to be investigated. As of late last week, police had not charged anyone.