Christine Kay
Northern News Services
YCS is hosting a 50th anniversary reunion July 1-6.
"There are people coming in from across Canada for this as well as all our local Yellowknifers," said Mary Vane of the organizing committee. "Every former student, staff or board member who have been associated with the school district over the past 50 years that we could find addresses for have been invited."
One of the special guests will be Father Francis Ebner.
"He was one of the founders of the Catholic School District. He's 84 and retired in St. Albert. He will be back to participate in the activities and say mass."
For the past year, a committee has been shuffling through names, sorting addresses and sending out mailers.
The work culminates Sunday with registration of participants from 1-4 p.m. at St. Patrick high school.
People will also be able to register at St. Pat's following the Canada Day parade.
"We've been planning for a year and we've thought about it for three."
Events include participation in the Canada Day parade, a wine and cheese reception for students and staff from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. July 3, a dance July 5 and mass and barbecue on July 6.
Many of the participants still live in Yellowknife, but several are coming from across Canada, as far away as Halifax, and Sidney, B.C.
"People who have lived in Yellowknife tend to stay very connected no matter where in the country or the world they are. And so there are a lot of people returning who still know somebody that's here."
Preparations have included production of video and written histories of YCS.
Organizers have a range of reunion souvenirs that range from T-shirts to key chains and coffee mugs.
Besides swapping memories and renewing friendships, reunion organizers hope to leave their mark on the school district.
"The reunion will be leaving a lasting gift to the Yellowknife Catholic schools in the form of two bronze statues. One will be in the courtyard between Weledeh and St. Patrick's High School. And the other will be at Ecole St. Joseph.
"The statues are different images of the holy family. One is called Joy of the Family and the other is called A Quiet Moment."
Both would be produced by Ontario artist Timothy Schmalz. He has been commissioned to do more than 100 sculptures for the Catholic church.
More than anything, Vane and the organizers look forward to a fun week.
"I'm just looking forward to seeing old friends that I worked with 30 years ago. The former students, as well, that are coming back and are now married and have children of their own."
People can still register. More information is available on the reunion Web site