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Firefighters certified

Jorge Barrera
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (June 24/02) - The territorial government honoured 15 firefighters last week after receiving a higher level of certification that will allow them to train others in the territory.

In the Great Hall of the legislative assembly, Vince Steen, minister of the department of municipal and community affairs, congratulated the firefighters for their accomplishment.

"I believe it is important to recognize the time and effort you give to our communities," said Steen.

Ten of the 15 firefighters attended the ceremony -- an exclamation mark at the end of three years of training.

The firefighters received their National Fire Protection Association certification for firefighting and fire services instruction.

Julie Miller, a firefighter based in Inuvik, said the paper certificate they received in the ceremony isn't the important thing.

"It is about the training and the ability to use it in the community," said Miller. Bill Reimer, a 14-year veteran from Fort Smith, said the ceremony was nice way to end their training.

"It's symbolic of what we accomplished, that we got this thing," said Reimer.